One of the most challenging and time-consuming elements of exporting is getting the documentation right. This is made even more burdensome when products of animal origin come into play and Export Health Certificates (EHC) are required. An EHC is an official document that confirms your export meets the health requirements of the destination country.
There are over 1,500 types of certificate and they are split into a range of commodities:
• Meat
• Dairy (milk, whey, yoghurt, cheese, butter & ice cream)
• Hides, skins, wool, feathers & lanolin
• Collagen, gelatine & casings
• Egg
• Fish and fishery products
• Laboratory
• Pet food and animal feeds
• Miscellaneous
Certificates are generally split into several basic sections:
1. Identity – confirms basic details such as the name of the exporter and quantity and weight of goods being shipped.
2. Shipping information – such as the container, seal number and boat or flight details.
3. Health marks –confirming that the product meets certain food standards.
4. Country of origin – some certificates require proof that the product originated and was processed in certain countries.
5. Storage conditions – such as whether the product needs to be frozen to a certain temperature or kept separate from other goods.
6. Health statements – these vary from country to country, but can involve confirming details such as heat treatment and freedom from contamination and certain diseases. They may also require inspection of production records or written confirmation from the manufacturer or OV at the abattoir or processing plant.
With kind permission from our friends at Amivet Exports, we are able to share the graphic below as an example guide for UK exporters to third countries.
If you require assistance with your export documentation do not hesitate to Contact Us.